Body Tapping – 45 Minutes $65
Body Tapping also known by a few other names, including Emotional Freedom Techniques tapping, BodyTalk and many more names is utilised by diverse cultures around the world. This practice of healing involves tapping on the body at different meridians to create connections in the body’s electromagnetic systems. This can also be used to deprogram, and reprogram the body and it’s responses to different stimuli. Body Tapping also has merit in the battle against chronic conditions as well as in emergency situations.
Janet has been exposed to the ideas of tapping since she was much younger, learning from her time in community with native cultures and her teaching of dance. Through reflecting on her time as a dance instructor Janet has discovered she had been using tapping to help many students with endurance and rejuvenation. This practice has evolved with Janet’s formal exposure to EFT training and Body Talk Access course in early 2020. Since this more formal education Janet has expanded her offerings to include more time practising body tapping and seeing the benefits for herself and her clients. Through Janet’s comprehensive massage tapping can be used to listen to the body, and this through a complete treatment can help deprogram responses and open up more connectivity.
Body Tapping treatments;
Much like the none physical touch of Reiki, body tapping works on the energy fields that surround and connect the body. This practice does not require physical touch which in a sense makes it even more profound. The lightest of touches can help bring you closer to you by correcting or creating new energy patterns. By working most regularly with the brain, heart and gut this method of treatment will leave you with a sense of self you may have forgotten or misplaced in your travels.
Questions and answers
What to Expect:
Each treatment is 45 minutes in length and will involve gentle taping around or just above the head, chest and stomach. This may be done front and back and along the sides. Depending on any particular conditions you are trying to treat, they will also become involved in this routine taping which will be done multiple times to secure a strong foundation for your energy patterns. Please make sure Janet is made aware prior to treatment anywhere that may need additional attention.
Is this treatment good for headaches?
This method of treatment will help your body regain better alignment which can only aid in ones journey towards a headache free lifestyle. Of course it won’t replace someone’s need for proper sleep, water and lifestyle. But it will help someone move into a better position from any standpoint.
Can Body Tapping help me?
While BodyTalk does not treat specific ailments, clinical experience has shown that once a clients overall system is balanced through BodyTalk, many have demonstrated significant improvements in a variety of areas, including but not limited to:
- Allergies
- Arthritis
- Back Pain
- Chronic Pain
- Depression
- Digestive Disorders
- Endocrine Disorders
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic Fatigue
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Learning Disorders
- Migraines
- Phobias
- Prenatal care
- Recovery from Injuries / Trauma / Surgery
- Sports Performance
- Stress and Anxiety
- Viruses and Infections
Can Body Tapping help someone on medication and while undergoing other treatment methods?
Yes, Body Tapping can be applied to a patient in conjunction with any other form of treatment including medicine. This non invasive method of healing is one that can be done without causing concern in conjunction with other methods because it is much like other mind body spirit practices which are only beneficial to the client or patient.
Try at Home
Below is a quick 12 minute introduction to Body Tapping. Please enjoy this Body & Brain Yoga Quick Class and message us with any questions or comments you may have for Janet in relation to this practice.